Can I have some ice cream with my pancakes please?

February 25th, 2009

34 week belly bump!

34 week belly bump

You might have heard something about how pregnant ladies have cravings during their preggers journey.  Well, I have to tell you, this feeling is very strong right now for me!  I love, love, love, anything chocolate.  Honestly, pretty much anything sugary and would probably fall in the ‘junk food’ category.  Also, there’s been some pretty weird & bizarre food items I want to eat in the same meal.  Below are some of the things heard around my kitchen table lately:

  • Can I have some ice cream with my blueberry pancakes please?
  • Is it ok if I have a few baby pickles along with my red velvet cupcake?
  • And… probably the most bizarre (or maybe disgusting) thing I’ve eaten together– Last Friday night we had linguine & clam sauce and I wanted to drink my chocolate protein drink with it!  You should have seen the look on hubby’s face! :)

One of the biggest cravings I have at the moment is my desire to eat a box of those oh-so-delicious Girl Scout Samoa Cookies.  The problem is that they seem to be sold out in my area.  I’ve been to two different places today looking for them and I get the same answer, “sorry, we’re out of those” :(  Really?  How is this possible?  Can you point out the last person that bought that coveted purple box of cookies and I’ll follow them to their car?  Maybe they’ll take pity on a pregnant lady.  Is there some sort of preggers hotline I can call to get me a box of those yummers a.s.a.p.?

3 Responses to “Can I have some ice cream with my pancakes please?”

  1. Janet on February 25, 2009 6:49 pm

    You are too funny! I would never want pickles with a cupcake! YUCK!

  2. Tyna on February 26, 2009 6:32 am

    I will canvas my neighborhood for you in search of the purple box! With Livvy it was easy, I just had to wake up the guy at the Cajun restaurant to get more jambalaya! sounds as though things are right on track in baby-land.
    Take care,


  3. Tim on February 26, 2009 10:49 am

    I’ll check with the neighborhood kids. Surely we can find some!

    I will have to say that I do like chocolate milk with red sauce. Maybe I am preggers…

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