products the Ben & Jen Show love- #11

August 5th, 2009

week 18- activity mat

Ben is 4 months old!  To celebrate this occasion, I was thinking about the happenings around here and thought it would be fun to sum them up with a little list of things that both Ben and I love that make things a little easier, fun, and definitely more entertaining during the everyday happenings over the last 4 months.

So, for the next 11 days, look forward to the Top 11 (because it’s one louder than 10!) products the Ben & Jen Show have really loved for the first 4 months of his life.  Also to note, this list is in no particular order; true to the blog title, it’s very meandering! :)

In the entertainment category… (a.k.a. things that keep baby entertained while mommy can:  eat breakfast, eat lunch, use the restroom, brush her teeth, talk on the phone, update her blog…etc.)

#11. Activity Mat Ben loves this thing!  Definitely one of his favorite toys right now.  He could probably play on this it all day long if I let him!  Loves to stare at himself in the mirror; I’m convinced he thinks he is laughing, talking, and giggling with another baby.  Loves to swat & tug at the stuffed animals hanging from it.  Loves to put his feet up in the air and grab his toes (so cute!!!)  And loves tummy time.  Oh, and breaking news… today he rolled over from tummy to back on it!!!  Proud mama alert!

week 16- activity mat

It’s really funny because he’s started doing this very slow break-dance turn move thing when he’s on his tummy.  I think it looks like he’s doing the inch worm and a very slow 360.  He’ll stick his little booty up in the air and begins to turn very slowly.  Very slowly. The only bummer (I guess) is that the music pad doesn’t work anymore.  I think of this as more of a blessing in disguise. I much rather put on some of my own tunes and let Ben rock out to them rather than some so-called, baby stimulating, brainy nursery rhymes.  Ugh.  A few times to listening to that is a few times too many!  I’m glad it broke!!!  No offense, but I much rather have Ben listen to music like Ray Charles, The Beatles, Johnny Cash, U2, Coldplay, Dave, Stevie, The Who, (the list goes on and on and on)… wayyyy more entertaining! :)

week 17- activity mat

For more about the mat and more Ben pics… Check out Raise the Barn’s post about it.

Tune in tomorrow for product #10!

A word about this list… no, I’m not getting any compensation from any of the companies that make these wonderful products.  (Although, that would be nice!)  I’m just a new mommy that wants to spread the word about what has worked for my baby and me during these early months.  If you are preggers and reading this, think of this list as what I think are essentials you need in your house.

4 Responses to “products the Ben & Jen Show love- #11”

  1. DaMama's on August 5, 2009 4:19 pm

    These updates are fun, I can’t wait for tomorrow
    Love ya all

  2. Jeff on August 5, 2009 9:26 pm

    Referencing ‘This Is Spinal Tap’ – I love you. Nice post. I must agree he loves this thing.

    I have a good idea about your top 11 but am still looking forward to tomorrow’ post.

  3. Kelly Tirman on August 7, 2009 10:59 am

    loving the list – nicely done.

  4. products the Ben & Jen Show love- #8 at meandering mind on August 8, 2009 8:32 am

    […] and plays music.  I don’t really turn on the music; please check out my review about the Activity Mat for reasons why… :) I can say that Ben really loves how the seat vibrates.  Makes me wish I […]

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