knitting project in progress
This is still a very much WIP (work in progress) but I’m pretty excited about this blanket I’m working on for our little nut in the oven. It’ll be his first knitty pressie from mommy :) I’m almost halfway through; good time to pause and take a picture of how this lovely is shaping up.
To all of my knitter friends out there… I have to tell you, I absolutely LOVE this yarn! So easy to work with and I love the colorway. FYI- It’s Dream in Color Baby. You can also read more about the progress of how this Big Bad Baby Blanket is coming along in my projects page on ravelry.
Filed under ben, crafty | Comment (1)31 weeks
Here we are at 31 weeks! Wow! I really can’t believe how fast the time has gone. My preggers appointments are now every other week and when I hit the 35 week mark it’s every week to see the doc until little man makes his big entrance! Everywhere I go people are asking me how I’m doing… I’m actually feeling just fine. I eat like a horse, my energy level is pretty good, and I’m loving feeling our little guy move about it my tummy! :) It’s the greatest! Oh, and… hubby has even felt the nut; he felt a pretty good kick-a-roo the other night. Pretty exciting!
Since it seems like my belly is growing by the minute, my plan is to have hubby take a pic of me and the nut weekly up until delivery time. Here are a couple of pics of us taken in our backyard this afternoon.
I’m off to watch the Super Bowl! Hubby and I have made a few friendly wagers to make things interesting… here’s what my $ is on:
-Steelers to win… and I’ve even given 7 points to hubby to start, yes– I’m that confident!
-Cards win coin toss
-Steelers for the first passing touchdown
-Cards for the first rushing touchdown
-Over/Under Bet- I’m saying under by 46 1/2 points
Wish me luck!!!
Filed under ben, family | Comment (0)happy, merry, very belated: new year’s, christmas, chanukah, and my favorite– festivus!
…And any other holiday I might have missed! ;) I hope you had a very merry holiday season. Mine was jam-packed full of your typical holiday activities. I think the best part was having family visit from the west coast. We had so much fun while the fam was here– It’s fun having visitors; it gives us a chance to be tourists in our own town. A big thank you to those who made the journey to our home for the holidays– thanks for making our first turkey day, Christmas, and New Year’s so memorable in our new house. Love you guys!
Did you receive a merry holiday wishes card from our house to yours? You say, you didn’t? Don’t worry if you feel left out, nobody did. My bad. I’m actually thinking of starting a new tradition of sending Happy Groundhog Day cards to friends and fam to give myself plenty of buffer time for that task or maybe pushing it out even further to 4th of July. Don’t be surprised if you receive a holiday card from us in February :)
You may be wondering why couldn’t we send a holiday card sometime during the entire month of December??? Hubby and I have been very, very, busy bees since about a week before Thanksgiving through New Year’s entertaining friends and family and even squeezing in a trip to the northeast for hubby’s holiday party. That’s our story and we’re sticking to it!
So here’s to wishing everyone a very happy, merry, very belated: new year’s chistmas, chanukah, and my personal favorite, festivus! And a happy and healthy 2009!
For your entertainment… Here’s some pics taken during the holidays. Check out that preggers belly! Don’t you just love the pic of me playing Wii??? I think it’s hilarious! Enjoy!
cooking the turkey- check out our fancy new cooker!
taaa-dahhh- turkey is done! Mmmmm…..
our outside Christmas lights
our tree
X-mas morning– I’m so excited over my measuring spoons… and check out my footie jammies!
cooking the X-mas roast beast!
Christmas dinner– don’t ya just love our hats?
Christmas Wii Mini-Golf tournament… check out that 25 week preggers belly in action!
mom, me, Janet, and 25 week nut bump
dad, rick, mom, uncle bob, jeff, and elvis!
me, elvis, and 26 week nut bump!
dad, multi-tasking :)
holding hands
Filed under family | Comments (5)first snowfall
Woke up this morning to a little snow! I have to say, this really doesn’t get old for someone who grew up in a climate of pretty much constant sunshine everyday. I remember plenty of Decembers spent in shorts, t-shirts, and walks along the beach. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, I just really enjoy living in a place with some actual changes in season. Here’s some pics taken around our house this morning. Enjoy!
our street
our backyard
our house
24 week snowy belly bump!
Filed under meandering | Comments (5)23 week preggers update
Cute little face pics
Yesterday we had our 5th visit to our most awesome baby doctor (I really can’t say enough great things about her; happy she’s part of team meandering delivery!) She says our little man is doing super fantastic. He weighes in at 1 lb, 6 oz; according to BabyCenter he’s about the size of a mango this week. We got to hear his little heart; it’s beating around 145 BPM. And, we got to do another ultrasound, which was great because we got more pics. Check out the pics above… I know, I know, you have to use a little imagination to see his little face. But I think it’s pretty cute! :)
As for meandering mommy… things are just fine in the preggers department. I have an incredible appetite now– if I’m not dreaming about our little guy then my thoughts are pretty much consumed by food :) I keep thinking, is that ok? And… I have finally started to feel the nut ‘fluttering’ about. It’s very exciting!!! No kicking yet; just a butterfly kinda feel. I love it!
I do have something to whine about… preggers has a COLD. It was bound to happen. Hubby was sick last week, and the week before when we had our family visting for the gobble, gobble holiday, one family member brought us this lovely present that just keeps on giving (or should I say sucking the energy from you! It’s bad enough that the nut has pretty much eaten my brain; now with this cold, what am I’m I gonna do?) Thank you very much for this early present (don’t worry, you haven’t been transferred to my naughty list :) ) I’m not a very good sicky patient when I’m not preggers BUT being sick and preggers… Ugh! I basically just have to suck it up until this cold goes away. I’m thinking about strapping a kleenex box to my face and my throat is so sore (whine, whine, whine). I can’t take any of those ‘good meds’. No Nyquil for me. I know, I know… this too shall pass. I just want this cold to hurry up and go away already!
Off to make some hot tea and settle in for some TiVo watching. sniff, sniff!
Filed under ben, family | Comment (1)22 weeks!
Wow… Are we in December already? I can’t believe it. And, I can’t believe I’m a little over halfway through this preggers experience. I’m feeling soooooo much better! The second trimester has been great! That whole ‘all day sickness’ experience is a distant memory. Thank goodness :) Next week we have our 5th prenatal appointment– can’t wait to hear how our little man is doing.
Here’s a pic of what my belly bump looks like at 22 weeks.
Filed under ben, family | Comments (2)B is for…
I’m a BOY!
Looking at us
Boy Feet
1st Outfit
Yesterday we had our big ultrasound appointment and are VERY HAPPY to announce that we’re having a little BOY! So if you voted for a boy (and it looks like 52% of you did), give yourself 10 gold stars:)
Our little man gave us a really good show (sorry, I won’t post that pic– I don’t want that to bite me in the butt later.) Here’s how the first 3 seconds of the appointment went:
Tech: Do you guys want to know the sex of the baby?
J & J: Yes!!!
Tech: You are having a boy!!!
J & J: (looking at the ultrasound screen)… oh, Yes, yes, yes, that’s a BOY all right :)
J & J: (BIG SMILES on their faces)… YAY, the nut is a little boy!!!
We couldn’t believe how fast the news came! My biggest fear was that we were going to walk away from this appointment not knowing what we are having. For the remaining 29 minutes of the appointment (besides not thinking about needing to pee really badly) we got to watch our little man wiggle around; we saw his heart beating, the top view of his brain, fingers, toes, knees, and tummy. It was the best show I saw all day! And, I was very proud of myself for being able to hold it for so long! (Ladies, if you’ve been through this you know what I’m talking about!)
After the appointment we had to go to the mall and get our boy his very first outfit. Check out the pic… we found a little onesie with acorns on it. Get it? Because we’ve been calling him our little nut. His 1st outfit- complete with socks, a hat, and pants. It’s sooo cute! Next mission… we have to start working on some boy names. And hubby is starting to plot on how soon we can enroll our son in soccer camp.
We are soooo excited to finally know what this nut is!!!
Filed under ben, family | Comments (2)have u voted today?
People, this one is very important! No excuses. Get out there and VOTE today! The nut and I are hoping for a BIG change… ;)
Filed under meandering | Comment (1)baby belly bump at 16 weeks
It’s Friday, so that means the nut and I have reached 16 weeks today! Hubby and I thought we’d better start taking some belly pics to document my preggers experience. Here’s the first one.
Also, we thought it would be fun to see what you guys think the gender of the baby is. So what do you think??? We’d love to hear all of the guesses! I’ve created a poll (do you see this in the sidebar on the right?) to keep track of the votes. You have a little less than a month to vote; we find out what the nut’s gender is on November 12th. Is the nut a baby boy or a baby girl???? Stay tuned…
Filed under ben, family | Comments (5)
the sweetest sound
Today we had our 3rd prenatal visit. The doc says that mommy and baby are doing just fine. We didn’t get to do an ultrasound today (boo!- I like to see what’s going on in there) BUT we did get to hear the most sweetest sound– the nut’s heartbeat! It sounded like if you were in a tunnel and hearing horses galloping by. So sweet! Just made my heart melt.
Our BIG ultrasound is scheduled for next month. During that visit we’ll find out if the nut is a little boy or a little girl. I can’t wait!!!
Filed under ben, family | Comment (0)